Airbus A310 [642]

Registration: S2-AFT
Operator: Biman Bangladesh
HEX Code:
Engines: PW PW4156A x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWCXAirbus IndustrieA310-325ET1992
HB-IPMBalair A310-325ET1992
HB-IPMBalairCTAA310-325ET1993wfu 27.09.99, to Lisbon for overh/repaint
A4O-ODOman AirA310-325ET1999sZurich 12.11.99 fc, still HB-rgd, HB-canc 25.11, s23.12.99 fc, sBRU fcs end 09.01, s white one engine missing 01.11.01
N642KSLessorA310-325ET2002still at BRU, frd-->BGR white cs 07.02.02, sLBG white 01.06.02, arrLIS for maint by TAP 28.06.02,
EC-IPTAir CometA310-325ET2003fcs, lsd for 5 yrs, reported szd by ILFC at JFK 07.04.06, but sis ORY 16.04.06
N301LFLessorA310-325ET2009frd-->MIA 14.12.09, s Biman-fcs 26.01.10
S2-AFTBiman BangladeshA310-325ET2010reported W/O awaiting details remains STD unk loc 02.13, sDAC 19.02.14
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
S2-AFT Biman BangladeshEGLLWarthog1
S2-AFT Biman BangladeshEGLLcolinw
S2-AFT Biman BangladeshEGLLgrahamepage
EC-IPT Air CometLEMDGreggy
HB-IPM BalairCTALSZHWarthog1
HB-IPM BalairCTAEGPKAyronautica