Airbus A319 [1147]

Registration: LY-BKA
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
Engines: CFMI CFM56-5B6/P x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AVWIAirbus IndustrieA319-1121999
N727UWUS AirwaysA319-1121999own USB 29.03.03, own AST N727UW 26.06.03, own AFSI 59 14.11.03, arrDUB ret AFSI 59 19.03.05, frd-->SNN 10.05.05, r/o Germanwings spcs & frd-->DUB 18.05.05
D-AKNOGermanwingsA319-1122005own GECAS, "Berlin Bearbus"-spcs , standard cs 11.01.11, wfs 28.10.17
D-AKNOEurowingsA319-1122017WFU and std TXL 23.03.2020,
D-AKNOGermanwingsA319-1122020Std STR 25.03.2020, std KUN 24.09.2020, std DUS 26.04.2022.
LY-BKALessorA319-1122022Aero Capital Solutions (ACS). Retired and std DGX 16.05.2022. B/u 03.2023 at DGX.
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
D-AKNO EurowingsEGLLEGLL Spotter
D-AKNO GermanwingsEGLLcolinw
D-AKNO GermanwingsEGSSGreggy
D-AKNO GermanwingsEGSSGreggy
N727UW US AirwaysKBOScolinw
N727UW US AirwaysKBWIWarthog1
00-00-0000 D-AKNO GermanwingsEDDFdixieboy