Airbus A319 [1494]

Registration: HZ-A4
Operator: Corporate
HEX Code:
Engines: CFM56-5B6/P x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Business
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AVYBAirbus IndustrieA319-1122001
OO-SSOSabenaA319-1122001s fcs XFW 22.04.01, still at XFW 20.05.01, sis 23.07.01, sold to SALE and lsd back, ceased ops 07.11.01, frd & pkd BOD 16.11.01
EI-CWZSALE IrelandA319-1122001rgd 30.11.01, arrTLS 10.06.02
CS-TQCAir LuxorA319-1122002sCBR white-cs pres ret SALE 29.04.03, s15.06.03, sTLS 29.07.03, s Blue Moon Avtn-cs 'opby Frontier Airlines'-sticker on nose and reg under wing 12.09.03, rr F-WQRS 16.09.03
N320NPCorporateA319-112200356-seat VIP-conf, opby Frontier AL
N320NPFrontier AirlinesA319-1122005pres ret SALE frd-->KEF 26.10.05
N320NPAerdynamicsA319-1122005frdDEN-->PTK td
N320NPCorporateA319-1122008ret WFBN, arrTLS 07.08.08, own TSW 11.08.08, N-reg can to Saudi Arabia pres as HZ-AJW 15.08.08 (remains str till operator is known), frd-->BOD 20.09.08
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
00-00-0000 HZ-A4 CorporateOERKdixieboy