Airbus A319 [1612]

Registration: SX-BHN
Operator: Olympus Aviation
HEX Code:
Engines: CFM56-5B6/P x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AVWCAirbus IndustrieA319-1122001
EI-CXAGATX Capital CorporationA319-1122001C-GKZB Canada 3000 NTU, to EFG Aircraft (Ireland) Ltd 21.12.01, to OFLC 21.12.01, frd-->FZO Can 3000 fcs 22.12.01, frd-->Keflavik 26.01.02
N612MXMexicanaA319-1122002sMEX fcs 24.02.02, own WFBN 24.10.06, repo by AerCap at ORD&frd-->GYR 04.08.10
N612MXLAN AirlinesA319-1122011s airtested 03.08.11
N612MXAviancaA319-1122011frd BOG--GYR 28.08.15, testfl 08.10.15 N-rgd, 5N-FNF First Nation AL due 2015 ntu, sGYR 11.15 fcs N-reg taped
SX-BHNOlympus AviationA319-1122016frd GYR--ATH 11-12.03.16, N-reg canc 14.03.16, SX-reg painted ATH 26.04.16, frd to Craiova 26.04.16 white, frd to Chisinau 13.05.16 Air Moldova slse, s22.05.16 white, wfs 30.06.16, frd Craiova--BCN 07.07.16 for lse to Vueling AL, fis 08.07.16 white, ret BCN--Craiova 19.09.16, s11.16 Cronos AL (Equatorial Guinea) cs, wetlse, frd Craiova-ATH 30.11.16, --Malabo 03.12.16, ret to Olympus frd Malabo--Craiova 22-23.02.17, wlsd to Wings of Lebanon, frd CRA-BEY 22.04.17, wfs 22.11.17, frd BEY-ATH 04.12.1
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
SX-BHN Olympus AviationOTT/OFFcolinw
00-00-0000 N612MX AviancaEGLLdixieboy