Airbus A319 [2396]

Registration: 2-STRA
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
Engines: IAE V2524-A5 x
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AVYPAirbus IndustrieA319-1322005
N808BRIndependence AirA319-1322005ILFC, csd ops ret ILFC & frd-->LCH 05.01.06
EC-JQTAir MadridA319-1322006csd ops MAD 15.12.06, frd-->DUS 07.02.07
N101LFLessorA319-1322007frd-->CHR 22.03.07, frd-->DUS Sichuan AL-fcs 30.03.07
B-6170Sichuan AirlinesA319-1322007
B-6170Northeast AirlinesA319-1322007
B-6170Sichuan AirlinesA319-1322010ret lessor by 05.16
SX-ABEOlympus AirwaysA319-1322016frd Chengdu--ATH 27.05.16, frd CRV-ATR-BCN 30.06.16 lsd to Vueling, sis 24.08.16 white, frd BCN-Craiova 19.09.16 ret, frd ATH-IEV 13.11.16 wlse to Dart AL for own pax flights to Kharkiv and Athens, Atlas Atlantique AL (wetlse?bt?) frd Craiova-Chalons 30.03.17, Congo AW lsd 22.11.17 fis 24.11.17, wfs 06.03.18, frd Kinshasa--Craiova 06-07.03.18, frd ATH-KWI 02.04.18 lsd to Wataniya AW fis 04.04.18, wfs 30.08.18, ret 31.08.18, frd ATH--Toulouse Francazal 27.09.18
2-STRALessorA319-13220192-rgd Aercap Ireland r06.02.19
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
2-STRA LessorKGYRgrahamepage
SX-ABE Olympus AirwaysGCTSFlyDroo
EC-JQT Air MadridEGKKJLRAviation