Airbus A319 [2870]

Registration: EC-NHP
Operator: Volotea Airlines
HEX Code:
Engines: CFM56-5B5/P x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AVWGAirbus IndustrieA319-1112006
F-HBALAigle AzurA319-1112010own RBS td, wfs 05.11.17, frd to WOE 06.11.17 due ret lessor, frd WOE-ORY 12.12.17, ris, wfs 20.02.18, lsd to TAP 23.02.18
F-HBALTAP Air PortugalA319-1112018fis 24.02.18, sis 08.05.18 LPPT, Aigle ceased ops 06.09.19 but still optnl by 28.09.19, str CDT 30.09.19, WOE 11.11.19
EC-NHPVolotea AirlinesA319-1112020OE-rgd DVB Bank 19.11.19, frd WOE-LJU 29.05.20 OE-rgd, LJU-MRS 01.07.20
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EC-NHP Volotea AirlinesEGCCSteve OBE
EC-NHP Volotea AirlinesLGKRFlyDroo
EC-NHP Volotea AirlinesLFBOGreggy
EC-NHP Volotea AirlinesGCLPFlyDroo
F-HBAL Aigle AzurLFPOGreggy
F-HBAL Aigle AzurLFPGcolinw
F-HBAL Aigle AzurLFPGgrahamepage
F-HBAL Aigle AzurLTFEWarthog1
EC-JXA IberiaEDDLJLRAviation