Airbus A319 [3139]

Registration: LY-RAM
Operator: GetJet Airlines
HEX Code:
Engines: CFM56-5B6/P x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AVXOAirbus IndustrieA319-1122007
D-ABGEAir BerlinA319-1122007
LZ-AOABulgarian GovernmentA319-1122009
LZ-AOAAir NamibiaA319-1122010
LZ-AOABH AirA319-1122011
LZ-AOAEritrean AirlinesA319-1122012sFRA td
LZ-AOAMyanmar Airways InternationalA319-1122013BH Air ret 08.13
LZ-AOARAK AirwaysA319-1122013BH Air ret 09.13
LZ-AOAMyanmar Airways InternationalA319-1122013sSIN "Official Main Sponsor 27th Southeast Asian Games" titles and a *two owls mascots* decal 23.11.13
LZ-AOABH AirA319-1122014
LZ-AOATAP Air PortugalA319-1122014
LZ-AOABH AirA319-1122014Spicejet wlsd 20.07.15 SOF-DEL, ret BH DEL-SOF 01.06.16, sBHX 03.06.16 BH tail/engine cs, Spicejet titles, BH wfs 09.03.17 Sofia
LZ-AOABulgarian EagleA319-1122017res 16.01.17, testfl 15.06.17, frd SOF-PRG 17.06.17, to SOF 04.07.17 LZ-rgd, s full Germania cs, D-ASTQ ntu, frd SOF-LGW 03.08.17, fis 04.08.17 LZ-reg, str NUE 02.19, due EI-GOG but still s LZ-rgd 06.19
LY-RAMGetJet AirlinesA319-1122020STLC Europe Leasing EI-rgd frd NUE-KUN 07.08.19, del to VNO 04.03.20, frd to SQQ 25.03.20 pkd, frd to SKP 08.07.20 ris
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
LZ-AOA Bulgarian EagleGCTSWarthog1
LZ-AOA Bulgarian EagleGCTSFlyDroo
LZ-AOA Bulgarian EagleEGKKGreggy
LZ-AOA Bulgarian EagleEGKKEGLL Spotter
LZ-AOA Bulgarian EagleOTT/OFFJLRAviation
LZ-AOA Air NamibiaDGAARJflyerPhoto Taken
00-00-0000 LZ-AOA Bulgarian EagleEGBBdixieboy