Airbus A319 [3950]

Registration: 9A-BER
Operator: Fly Air41 Airways
HEX Code: 501C13
Engines: CFM56-5B6/P x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AVWTAirbus IndustrieA319-1122009
D-AHIQHamburg International AirlinesA319-1122009sNWI Olympic Air-cs 19.07.09
SX-OAGOlympic AirA319-1122009Pantheon AW lsd
A5-RGIDruk AirA319-1122012
D-ASTRGermaniaA319-1122015frd XSP--SXF 13-14.09.15 ret lessor, Elviria Leasing EI-rgd 16.09.15, canc 16.10.15, frd SXF-BRE 30.10.15, fis 30.10.15, wfs 06.02.18, lsd to British AW frd DUS-LGW 08.02.18, wfs 24.03.18, ret 25.03.18, wfs 04.02.19 TXL, AL ceased 05.02.19
LY-JAYGetJet AirlinesA319-1122019own World Star Avtn, PRG-VNO 12.07.19, frd VNO-SQQ 02.04.20 str. Std SQQ 02.04.2020. Std ZAG 26.10.2020
9A-BERFly Air41 AirwaysA319-1122021Op for Sundair
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
9A-BER Fly Air41 AirwaysLGIRcolinw
9A-BER Fly Air41 AirwaysLEPASteve OBE
D-ASTR GermaniaGCTSFlyDroo
D-ASTR GermaniaOTT/OFFcolinw
D-ASTR GermaniaOTT/OFFJLRAviation
D-ASTR GermaniaGCTSWarthog1