Airbus A319 [639]

Registration: UR-CRU
Operator: Jonika Airlines
HEX Code: 5083EC
Engines: CFM56-5A4 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AVYUAirbus IndustrieA319-1131996
C-FYJBAir CanadaA319-1131997
N573SXSkyBus AirlinesA319-1132007frd--BFM for paint 20.02.08, own BoU 06.03.08, csd ops unk loc 05.04.08
F-HBMIAigle AzurA319-1132008own ITG 639 Gie, wfs 13.10.17 ALG-ORY, str CHR 22.10.17, SE-RAH ScanBlu AL lse ntu
UR-CRUAnda AirA319-1132018CHR-IEV 06.07.18, pkd CHR 19.09.18-15.01.19, frd IEV-EBL 27.05.19 slsd to UR AL, repo 07.19 available for ACMI lease
UR-CRUUR AirlinesA319-1132019
UR-CRUJonika AirlinesA319-1132019
UR-CRUAir MoldovaA319-1132019
UR-CRUAnda AirA319-1132019
UR-CRUJonika AirlinesA319-1132019
UR-CRUEast-West AirlinesA319-1132021Std IEV 17.10.2021
UR-CRUJonika AirlinesA319-1132022Std IEV
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
F-HBMI Aigle AzurLFPOGreggy
F-HBMI Aigle AzurLFPOGreggy
F-HBMI Aigle AzurLFPOFlyDroo
F-HBMI Aigle AzurLFPOgrahamepage
F-HBMI Aigle AzurLTFEWarthog1
F-HBMI Aigle AzurLFPOGreggy
F-HBMI Aigle AzurLFPGGreggy