D-AKNH/DAKNH Eurowings Airbus A319 Airframe Information - AVSpotters.com
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Airbus A319 [794]

Registration: D-AKNH
Operator: Eurowings
HEX Code: 3C6DC8
Engines: CFM56-5B6/P x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AVYDAirbus IndustrieA319-1121998
D-AKNHEurowingsA319-1121998own BAML, dam at takeoff Karlsruhe/Baden Baden to Monastir when tar of runway was struck against the stabilizer 24.08.01, frd-->TLS for permanent repairs 01.09.01, bis 16.09.01, frd-->SEN for paint 26.09.02, frd-->STR Germanwings-fcs 05.10.02
D-AKNHGermanwingsA319-1122002dam to left wingtip whilst parking at the gate against another gate Cologne (CGN), Germany 27.08.03, wfs&frd-->HAM 15.11.08, frd-->SNN 16.12.08, frd-->HAM ret Lufthansa "Lufthansa Italia"-cs 11.03.09
D-AKNHLufthansa ItaliaA319-1122009I-LHKC req
D-AKNHGermanwingsA319-1122013arrCGN td, wfs 31.07.17, frd STR-LJU 04.08.17, frd to STR 01.09.17, ris 02.09.17, wfs 28.10.17
D-AKNHEurowingsA319-1122017WFU 05.11.2019, std TEV 06.11.2019, Std CGN 27.03.2020, std KUN 07.07.2020
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
D-AKNH EurowingsEGLLAV8 Photos
D-AKNH EurowingsEGLLGreggy
D-AKNH EurowingsEGLLcolinw
D-AKNH GermanwingsEGLLAyronautica
D-AKNH GermanwingsEGLLEGLL Spotter
D-AKNH GermanwingsEGLLGreggy
D-AKNH GermanwingsLSZHGreggy
D-AKNH GermanwingsEGLLAyronauticaPhoto Taken
D-AKNH LufthansaEGLLWarthog1
D-AKNH LufthansaEGCCGreggy
D-AKNH LufthansaEGCCGreggy
D-AKNH Lufthansa ItaliaEGLLAyronautica
D-AKNH Lufthansa ItaliaEGLLGreggy
D-AKNH Lufthansa ItaliaOTT/OFFcolinw
D-AKNH GermanwingsEGSSGreggy
D-AKNH GermanwingsEGSSGreggy
D-AKNH GermanwingsEGSSGreggy
D-AKNH GermanwingsEGKKJLRAviation
D-AKNH GermanwingsEGKKWarthog1
D-AKNH GermanwingsEGSSGreggy
D-AKNH GermanwingsEGSSGreggy
D-AKNH EurowingsEGPKAyronautica
D-AKNH EurowingsLEPAgrahamepage