Airbus A319 [913]

Registration: 701
Operator: Armenian Government
HEX Code: 60003C
Engines: IAE V2524-A5 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Government
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AVYLAirbus IndustrieA319-1321998
G-OMAKCorporateA319-1321999TAP reall/s18.09.98 XFW Arabic tit,Kharafi pruple engs,Kharafi tail col, G rr 30.11.98/to TLS 1.99 for GPS-program, del to Kharafi 1.99, D-rgd 4.01.99, G-rgd 7.01.99, F-rgd 8.01.99,canc to F-regd 26.1?!, trials Franb. s1.03.99
G-OMAKCorporateA319-1321999F-r26.01.99,sHAM 23.1 F-rgd,TLS 22.2 titles,XFW 6.,4.99,repaint late 4.99 to G-,sXFW 10.06.99 as F-WWIF again, Airbus A319 Corp Jetliner titles, LBG 11.06.99, XFW 18.06.99,s21.07.99 pkd, demo in TLV betw 25-30.08.99, ret to Airbus, Kharafi wants 'real' 319CJ in
G-OMAKTwinjet Aircraft SalesA319-1321999sXFW 18.09.99 F-rgd, PIK-SNN-LTN 1.11.99 as G-OMAK, Twinjet Ac Sales r23.02.00, VP-CAJ req 12.06, G-reg canc to Saudi Arabia 17.01.07
HZ-NASFlyNAS-National Air ServicesA319-1322007VP-CAJ NTU, sRUH with this reg "Al Khaylal"-cs 18.02.07
EK-RA01Armenian GovernmentA319-132(CJ)2007sORY Armenia Republic-cs 03.11.08
701Armenian GovernmentA319-132(CJ)2015
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G-OMAK Twinjet Aircraft SalesEGPKAyronautica
G-OMAK Twinjet Aircraft SalesEGGWAyronautica
G-OMAK Twinjet Aircraft SalesEGGWgrahamepage