Airbus A320 [113]

Registration: N8044R
Operator: Corporate
HEX Code: AAF240
Engines: IAE V2500-A1 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Business
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWIH Airbus IndustrieA320-2311990
YU-AOD Adria AirwaysA320-2311990
YU-AOD Aero LloydA320-2311991wfs Frankfurt 10.91,retd
SL-AAB Adria AirwaysA320-2311992
SL-AAB Transmed A320-2311992del from Frankf
SL-AAB Adria Airways A320-2311992s3.06.92 Brnik,WDL lsd 6.12.92 but deal never fin,opb Adria in WDL col,s28.02.93
S5-AAB Cretan AirwaysA320-2311993rr 3.93?
SX-BAT Cretan Airways A320-2311993sDUS 3.7
S5-AAB Adria Airways A320-2311994still Cretan fc s11.12.94 LHR,fc Adria 5.02.95
S5-AAB Air MaltaA320-2311996sHAM fc
S5-AAB Adria Airways A320-2311996s31.07.97 small sticker opb Eurofly, ret s23.05.98 AMS, sMAN white-cs black tail/engines 27.05.06
S5-AAB Afriqiyah AirwaysA320-2312006sLGW fcs td, reported ret @ LJU 31.03.07, sisAMS 22.04.07
S5-AAB Adria AirwaysA320-2312008depSNN fcs td
XY-AGIMyanmar Airways InternationalA320-2312009
OY-LHDDanish Air TransportA320-2312014own DATL
N8044RFiredancer Asset HoldingA320-2312019frd SOF--TUS 04-07.09.19
N8044RCorporateA320-2312020s19.05.20 TUS repainted, due del to Elevate Jets in 2022
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
OY-LHD Danish Air TransportEGCCFlyDroo
S5-AAB Adria Airways EGKKJLRAviation
S5-AAB Adria Airways EDDFAyronautica
S5-AAB Adria Airways EGCCAV8 Photos
S5-AAB Adria Airways EGLLWarthog1
S5-AAB Adria Airways EGLLScottyBoy76
SX-BAT Cretan Airways LGATAyronautica