Airbus A320 [1422]

Registration: LZ-MDK
Operator: World Atlantic Airlines
HEX Code: 452057
Engines: IAE V2527-A5 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWBKAirbus IndustrieA320-2322001
9V-SLDSilkairA320-2322001wfs unk loc 13.02.14, 9V-reg canc 07.14
4L-AJFAfriqiyah AirwaysA320-2322014
4L-AJFFlyVistaA320-2322015ret lessor
SX-BDTHermes AirlinesA320-2322015sMLA, frd MLA-Craiova 26.03.15 for paint, frd Craiova-Chisinau 26.06.15 slsd to Air Moldova, ret to Hermes, slsd to Iraqi AW by 09.15, frd ATH-BUD 22.03.16, ret lessor by 05.16
CS-TKVCorporateA320-2322016not cn 897 see there, frd BUD-Monastir 13.05.16, Mon-Oporto 03.06.16 white, s12.06.16 fcs, wetlsd to Cobalt by 08.16, incident ar 21.08.16 that pax refused to fly on this aircraft ATH-LCA after pressurization problems, offered for ACMI lease by 31.10.16 via
RP-C7932Pan Pacific AirlinesA320-2322017frd CRK-Bacolod, fis 18.04.17, repo ret lessor as LZ-MDK r20.11.17, but still in svc, wfs 28.04.18
LZ-MDKAir ViaA320-2322018CGK--Varna 27-28.05.18, lsd to Small Planet AL Poland, sis 03.06.18, wfs 14.10.18, frd KTW-Varna 15.10.18 ret
LZ-MDKFly2SkyA320-2322019own Aerovista, Rahila AL lsd 18.03.19, ret 06.07.19, Safe Air Co (Kenya) wlsd 19.08.19 frd PDV-DXB for DXB-JIB svcs, wlsd to Safe Air Co (Kenya) 19.08.20 frd PDV-DXB for DXB-JIB svcs (coincidence or was 2019 report a mistake?)
LZ-MDKA320-2322019Rahila Airlines. Lsd from Fly2Sky
LZ-MDKWorld Atlantic AirlinesA320-2322023Lsd from Fly2Sky
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
LZ-MDK Fly2SkyOTT/OFFAyronautica
LZ-MDK Fly2SkyOTT/OFFgrahamepage
SX-BDT Hermes AirlinesEGSSFlyDroo