Airbus A320 [1450]

Registration: 2-CMEH
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
Engines: CFM56-5B4/P x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
OO-SNJSabenaA320-2142001SALE, ceased ops 07.11.01, frd & pkd BOD 09.11.01 TT 1489 hrs, 731 cycles, S as EI-CWV ret? 28.11.01
F-WWBXAirbus IndustrieA320-2142001
EI-CWVCLLA320-2142001sTLS Air Luxor fcs 29.01.02
CS-TQBAir LuxorA320-2142002
CS-TQBAir OneA320-2142004sVenice Luxor-cs Air One-tit td
CS-TQBAir LuxorA320-2142004sLIS fcs td, frd-->FNI 02.02.05, s during testflight CSA-fcs 22.04.05
OK-GEBCSA Czech AirlinesA320-2142005arrPRG td, sncs 12.11.08
OK-GEBAir Caledonie InternationalA320-2142009to cover maint on c/n 2152
OK-GEBCSA Czech AirlinesA320-2142009wfsPRG 01.10.12
OE-ICCLessorA320-2142013frd-->WOE 23.04.13
SP-AEKBingo AirwaysA320-2142013
SP-AEKBingo AirwaysA320-2142014
EK-32050Air ArmeniaA320-2142014
EI-CWVAviator Capital Ireland LtdA320-2142015sWOE airtested 27.02.15, canc 05.03.15
EC-MEHIberia ExpressA320-2142015Frd WOE-MAD 06.03.2015 on del. Lsd from AerCap until 08.2016, Deucalion Aviation from 08.2016. Std MAD 12.03.2020, ret svc 18.12.2020. WFU and std MAD 01.07.2024. Std CDT 09.08.2024.
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EC-MEH Iberia ExpressEGCCSteve OBE
EC-MEH Iberia ExpressGCTSFlyDroo
EC-MEH Iberia ExpressOTT/OFFAlan Alicante
EC-MEH Iberia ExpressLFPGcolinw
EC-MEH Iberia ExpressEGLLWarthog1
EC-MEH Iberia ExpressOTT/OFFgrahamepage
OK-GEB CSA Czech AirlinesOTT/OFFcolinw
OK-GEB CSA Czech AirlinesLFPGGreggy
OK-GEB CSA Czech AirlinesEGSSgrahamepage
CS-TQB Air LuxorEIDWcolinw