Airbus A320 [1564]

Registration: HK-4811
Operator: Viva Air Colombia
HEX Code:
Engines: CFM56-5B4/P x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWBJAirbus IndustrieA320-2142001
N260AVUSA 3000 AirlinesA320-2142001GECAS, AFS, lsd Brendan Air LLC dba, own AFSI 70 14.03.05, frd-->FRA 02.07.06
D-AXLCStar XL German AirlinesA320-2142006r/o FRA USA 3000-bcs Hellas Jet-tit 10.07.06
D-AXLCHellas JetA320-2142006frd-->LCA td
D-AXLCXL Airways GermanyA320-2142007sDUS still USA 3000-bcs opf DBA td
D-AXLCMartinair HollandA320-2142007arrAMS Martinair-ocs blue belly td
D-AXLCXL Airways GermanyA320-2142007
N260AVUSA 3000 AirlinesA320-2142007frd-->FRA 27.04.08
D-AXLCXL Airways GermanyA320-2142008own AFSI 70 20.11.08
N260AVUSA 3000 AirlinesA320-2142008D-AXLC req 07.10, csd ops RME 30.01.12, ret AFSI 70 & frd-->SJO 14.03.12
HK-4811Viva Air ColombiaA320-2142012frd BOG--GWO 10.07.20 for part-out
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N260AV USA 3000 AirlinesKORDcolinw
D-AXLC XL Airways GermanyLFPGGreggy
D-AXLC XL Airways GermanyLFPGGreggy
D-AXLC Martinair HollandEHAMgrahamepage