Airbus A320 [1597]

Registration: TS-INP
Operator: Nouvelair
HEX Code:
Engines: CFM56-5B4/P x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWBYAirbus IndustrieA320-2142001
EC-IAGIberworldA320-2142001GECAS, ret GECAS 29.10.04
EI-DIGRyan International AirlinesA320-2142004sLTN "Funjet Vacations"-cs 30.10.04, own CAT 42 10.03.05, frd-->MAN ret CAT 42 01.05.05
EI-DIGIberworldA320-2142005dep MAN & seen fcs td, ret CAT 42 21.10.05
VT-WAZGoAirA320-2142005ret CAT 42 & lsd to Iberworld AL 21.04.06
EC-JRUArkeFlyA320-2142006sAMS ArkeFly-red&blue-tit TUI-logo 17.05.06
EC-JRUIberworldA320-2142006frd-->NWI td
VT-WAVGoAirA320-2142006frd-->DEL td, own CAT 42
EC-KENIberworldA320-2142007sMAD GoAir-bcs 11.05.07
SU-KBDKoral Blue AirlinesA320-2142009
TS-INPNouvelairA320-2142011sDUS white-cs 03.09.11. ret from Libyan AL fcs lease 02.06.13, Air Algerie slsd for summer, fis 21.06.15, wfs 19.09.15 (tracked), Nouvelair fis (tracked) 26.09.15
TS-INPTravel Service AirlinesA320-2142016frd OSR-Rhodos, s06.06.16 fcs
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TS-INP NouvelairOTT/OFFWarthog1
TS-INP NouvelairLFPGcolinw
TS-INP NouvelairLFPGcolinw
TS-INP NouvelairEGLLcolinw
TS-INP NouvelairLMMLgrahamepage
EC-KEN IberworldOTT/OFFAyronautica
EC-JRU ArkeFlyLGKRGreggy
EC-IAG IberworldEGPKAyronautica