Airbus A320 [1725]

Registration: 9H-SLK
Operator: SmartLynx Airlines Malta
HEX Code: 4D2311
Engines: CFM56-5B4/P x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWBPAirbus IndustrieA320-2142002
N262AVUSA 3000 AirlinesA320-2142002GECAS, to AFSI, own WFBN 20.05.03, wfs&frd-->RME 08.01.12, ret WFBN 04.12, frd-->MDE 27.04.12
HK-4817Viva Air ColombiaA320-2142012wfs 24.02.18, BOG-MEX 01.03.18 due ret SMBC, lessor
ES-SASSmartLynx Airlines EstoniaA320-2142018testfl MEX 09.05.18 rr due, frd YMX--RIX 07-08.06.18 rrgd, TUI AL Belgium lsd RIX--CRL 21.06.18, fis 22.06.18, wfs 30.09.18, frd CRL-LGW 01.10.18 lsd to easyJet, wfs 31.10.18 ret to SmartL, frd TLL--SGN 22-23.01.19 lsd to Jetstar Pacific, wfs 25.02.19 frd SGN--RIX 25-26.02.19, SmartL fis 28.02.19, wfs 30.03.19, TLL-AMS 31.03.19 lsd to TUI AL Nederland, Jet2 lsd fis 02.05.19, easyJet slsd 01.06.19, frd RIX--SGN 13-14.01.20 Jetstar Pacific wlsd, ret RIX 05.02.20, to BRU 21.02.20 TUI AL Belgium wls
9H-SLKSmartLynx Airlines MaltaA320-2142021
9H-SLKTUI Airlines BelgiumA320-2142022Lsd from Smartlynx Malta
9H-SLKSmartLynx Airlines MaltaA320-2142022Lsd from Seraph Aviation. Std CHR 07.11.2022
9H-SLKSmartLynx Airlines MaltaA320-2142024Lsd from Seraph Aviation. Std DGX 11.03.2024
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
9H-SLK TUI Airlines BelgiumEGSSGreggy
ES-SAS SmartLynx Airlines EstoniaOTT/OFFWarthog1
ES-SAS SmartLynx Airlines EstoniaLEPAgrahamepage
N262AV USA 3000 AirlinesKORDcolinw