LZ-EAF/LZEAF Electra Airways Airbus A320 Airframe Information - AVSpotters.com
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Airbus A320 [1762]

Registration: LZ-EAF
Operator: Electra Airways
HEX Code: 45213D
Engines: CFM56-5B4/P x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWBRAirbus IndustrieA320-2142002
D-ALTGLTU International AirlinesA320-2142002CITLC
D-ALTGAir BerlinA320-2142008sTXL fcs td, ret CITLC 04.09
HB-IJXSwiss International Air LinesA320-2142009fcs
YL-LCUSmartLynx AirlinesA320-2142017frd ZRH-BTS 08.04.17 for paint, ret ZRH 15.04.17 white, ZRH-LGW easyJet ops 12.05-28.10.17, ris SmartLynx 29.10.17, easyJet Europe lsd, fis 07.01.18, wfs 14.06.18, ret to SmartLynx, Condor lsd 14.06.18 fis 15.06.18, wfs 29.10.18, ret to AYT 31.10.18, frd TLL--SGN 17-18.01.19 lsd to VietJet, ret (when?), SmartLynx wfs 30.04.19, lsd to Norwegian Air Shuttle 30.04.19, frd OSL-TXL 31.05.19 now easyJet slsd, AMM 25.11.19, ARN 22.12.19
YL-LCUeasyJetA320-2142018Lsd from Smartlynx
YL-LCUSmartLynx AirlinesA320-2142018
YL-LCUCondor A320-2142018
YL-LCUSmartLynx AirlinesA320-2142018Std KUN 05.09.2020
YL-LCUSmartLynx AirlinesA320-2142022Lsd from Carlyle Aviation Partners. WFU 31.10.2022. Std VAR 07.12.2022
LZ-EAFElectra AirwaysA320-2142023Lsd from Carlyle Aviation Partners
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
YL-LCU SmartLynx AirlinesEGKKRJflyer
YL-LCU SmartLynx AirlinesOTT/OFFJLRAviation
YL-LCU SmartLynx AirlinesGCTSFlyDroo
YL-LCU SmartLynx AirlinesOTT/OFFWarthog1
YL-LCU SmartLynx AirlinesEGKKEGLL Spotter
YL-LCU SmartLynx AirlinesEGKKcolinw
YL-LCU SmartLynx AirlinesEGKKcolinw
HB-IJX Swiss International Air LinesLSZHGreggy
HB-IJX Swiss International Air LinesEGLLGreggy
HB-IJX Swiss International Air LinesLSZHGreggy
HB-IJX Swiss International Air LinesLSZHGreggy
HB-IJX Swiss International Air LinesEGLLFlyDroo
HB-IJX Swiss International Air LinesEGLLWarthog1
HB-IJX Swiss International Air LinesEGLLAyronauticaPhoto Taken
HB-IJX Swiss International Air LinesEGLLcolinw
HB-IJX Swiss International Air LinesOTT/OFFgrahamepage
HB-IJX Swiss International Air LinesLSZHGreggy