Airbus A320 [1823]

Registration: YL-LCP
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
Engines: IAEV2527-A5 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWIPAirbus IndustrieA320-2322002
N543JBJetBlue AirwaysA320-2322002
D-ANNHBlue WingsA320-2322008own Gamma Stream Ltd, csd ops AYT 31.03.09, frd-->DUS 23.04.09, frd-->CHR 30.04.09, frd-->DUB 14.05.10, s with Meridiana tit 09.06.10
EI-EZSMeridiana FlyA320-2322010own Gamma Avtn, wfuOLB 14.01.13, own RCM Aviation & lsd again 08.10.13, wfu&arrDUB ret RCM Avtn 24.01.15, canc 26.03.15
YL-LCPSmartLynx AirlinesA320-2322015DUB-RIX, frd RIX-ORY 30.06.15 Aigle Azur slsd, ret SmartLynx, sPMI 17.10.15 white no titles opf Monarch, frd BRU-WOE 09.11.15, frd WOE--CAI 19.11.15 white, slsd to Aviator, ret SmartLynx by 01.16, frd RIX--Hanoi 25-26.01.16 slsd to VietJet, ret SmartLynx 28.02.16 frd SGN--RIX, Norwegian Air Shuttle fis 29.02.16, wfs 13.03.16, Monarch AL 2016 summer wlse, fis 30.04.16, ret BCN 01.11.16 SmartLynx, frd CDG-TLV 24.03.17 lsd to El Al, wfs 20.04.17, lsd to Monarch AL for summer, fis 01.05.17, wfs 01.1
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
YL-LCP SmartLynx AirlinesEGKKEGLL Spotter
YL-LCP SmartLynx AirlinesEGKKcolinw
YL-LCP SmartLynx AirlinesOTT/OFFJLRAviation
YL-LCP SmartLynx AirlinesEGCCFlyDroo
YL-LCP SmartLynx AirlinesEGCCcolinw
YL-LCP SmartLynx AirlinesGCTSWarthog1
YL-LCP SmartLynx AirlinesGCRRgrahamepage
N543JB JetBlue AirwaysKJFKcolinw
00-00-0000 YL-LCP SmartLynx AirlinesEGBBdixieboy