Airbus A320 [1979]

Registration: N197AE
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code: A18231
Engines: IAEV2527-A5 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Withdrawn
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWBEAirbus IndustrieA320-2322003
EC-INMSpanairA320-2322003Star Alliance-ncs, csd ops BCN 27.01.12
EI-EUKLessorA320-2322012frd-->DUB 16.02.12
EC-LQJVueling AirlinesA320-2322012wfs by 18.01.17, own AerCap, Olympus AW ntu
9H-AHRAir MaltaA320-2322017airtest MAD 07.04.17 EC-rgd, sis 17.04.17 Air Malta titles, white fus, yellow engines, wfs 04.11.18, str BHX 05.11.18, OSR 04.12.18, BHX 16.12.18
SX-KATOrange2FlyA320-2322018BHX-ATH, fis 24.12.18, frd to JED 02.02.20 Flynas wlsd, ret ATH 13.03.20
EI-EUKLessorA320-2322020AerCap r07.07.20, frd ATH--MZJ 01-14.07.20
N197AELessorA320-2322021Std MZJ
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
SX-KAT Orange2FlyOTT/OFFgrahamepage
9H-AHR Air MaltaEGLLEGLL Spotter
EC-LQJ Vueling AirlinesOTT/OFFJLRAviation
EC-LQJ Vueling AirlinesEGLLcolinw