Airbus A320 [234]

Registration: F-HGNT
Operator: SNECMA
HEX Code:
Engines: CFM56-5A3 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWDF Airbus IndustrieA320-2111991
N493GX GATX Capital CorporationA320-2111991
CS-TNC TAP Air PortugalA320-2111992ret lessor 5.00
CS-TNC YES Air CharterA320-2112000s23.07.00 Palma basic col no tit, sis Lisbon basic Yestours cs 01.04.01
CS-TNC TAP Air PortugalA320-2112001sPalma basic Yes cs not tit td, exact ret date unknown, r/o LIS after overhaul white-cs TAP-logo on tail and flag next to doors 26.10.02, spkdLIS prob ret GATX already 03.03, sLIS performing engine runs 19.12.03
JY-JARAqaba AirlinesA320-2112004lsd to Jordan Avtn white-cs, sVIE Aqaba-tit&taillogo and ""-tit 28.02.04
JY-JARKarthago AirlinesA320-2112004sLYS tit&taillogo td
JY-JARJordan AviationA320-2112005sSZG white-cs Jordan-tit td, sBHX same-cs with small LTE Int'l AW-tit 15.04.05
CS-TNOTAP Air PortugalA320-2112006arrLIS 09.12.05, sLIS TAP-ncs 02.01.06, sLIS Seagle Air fcs waiting del ret lessor 28.03.09
OM-HLDSeagle AirA320-2112009csd ops 22.10.09, frd-->MPL 22.10.09
HS-CTACrystal Thai AirlinesA320-2112011airtested 09.08.11
F-HGNTSNECMAA320-2112011sMPL with "SAFRAN" & "Honeywell"-tit 21.10.11, sMPL "Green Taxiing TYstem"-tit 23.02.12, frd-->TLS 24.01.13, s07.03.16 white, being dismantled on TLS Air France Industries ramp, fuselage by road TLS-Lourdes 08-15.03.16. B/u 03.2016 at LDE
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
CS-TNO TAP Air PortugalEGLLgrahamepage
CS-TNO TAP Air PortugalEGKKJLRAviation
CS-TNC TAP Air PortugalEGLLAyronautica
CS-TNC TAP Air PortugalEGLLAyronautica
CS-TNC TAP Air PortugalEGLLAyronautica
CS-TNC TAP Air PortugalEDDFAyronautica
CS-TNC TAP Air PortugalEGLLScottyBoy76
CS-TNC TAP Air PortugalEGLLScottyBoy76
CS-TNC TAP Air PortugalEGLLAyronautica
CS-TNC TAP Air PortugalEGLLScottyBoy76
CS-TNC TAP Air PortugalEGLLAyronautica
CS-TNC TAP Air PortugalEGLLAyronautica
CS-TNC TAP Air PortugalEGLLAyronautica
CS-TNC TAP Air PortugalLPPTWarthog1
CS-TNC TAP Air PortugalEGLLAyronautica
CS-TNC TAP Air PortugalEGLLAyronautica