Airbus A320 [235]

Registration: UR-WRK
Operator: Wind Rose Aviation
HEX Code:
Engines: CFM56-5A1 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWDM Airbus IndustrieA320-2111991
N494GX GATX Capital CorporationA320-2111991
CS-TND TAP Air PortugalA320-2111992ret JL L'Or Lease 5.00, overhaul Lisbon
F-OHFXVolare AirlinesA320-2112000rrgd 26.05.00, depa 29.05.00 on lse (own JL), GATX/CL r9.06.00, frd GVA 14.01.01 for maint, Eindh-GVA 25.01.01 white
F-GKXBAir FranceA320-2112001rr GVA 7.02.01, frd to TLS 7.02.01 white, F-rgd 26.02.01 GATX/CL r26.02.01, AF fc s15.03.01, own ADAL 11.12.06, wfs&frd-->TLS 22.03.10, ret GATX/CL s06.09.10
UR-DAEDonbassaeroA320-2112011AeroSvit-cs Donbassaero-tit, sSZB opf Wind Rose 02.01.12, csd ops unk loc 15.01.13
UR-WRKWind Rose AviationA320-2112013fcs, frd KBP--GYR 11.07.15, canc 10.12.15 wfu but s06.16
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
UR-DAE DonbassaeroEGKKgrahamepage
UR-DAE DonbassaeroEGKKWarthog1
F-GKXB Air FranceEHAMGreggy
F-GKXB Air FranceLFPGgrahamepage
CS-TND TAP Air PortugalEGLLScottyBoy76
CS-TND TAP Air PortugalLPPTWarthog1