Airbus A320 [244]

Registration: YL-LCM
Operator: SmartLynx Airlines
HEX Code:
Engines: CFM56-5A1 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-Airbus IndustrieA320-2111991
F-GJVF Air InterA320-2111991AIFS 27.03.96, PAF 1.07.96
F-GJVF Air FranceA320-2111997s15.02.97 fc/AaA LLC r23.02.98,DeAL r29.07.98 (lsd AFr 2.07.96-17.11.99), own AILM 244 17.10.05, ret AILM 244 02.06
F-GJVF Aigle AzurA320-2112006sTLS fcs td, frd-->ORY to go is 21.02.06, ret AILM 14.06.13
YL-LCMSmartLynx AirlinesA320-2112013sAYT "Turkietresor"-spcs 08.08.13
YL-LCMAirExploreA320-2112013ret SmartLynx 02.03.14
YL-LCMWhite AirwaysA320-2112014ret SmartLynx 05.14
YL-LCMEnter AirA320-2112014
YL-LCMSmartLynx AirlinesA320-2112014sDUS opf Tailwind Hava Yollari Flight 17.10.14, frd Pristina-MAD 23.03.15 slsd to Ryanair, wfs 30.09.15, frd to TLL 30.09.15, fis TLL-AYT 01.10.15 opf SmartLynx Estonia
YL-LCMTravel Service AirlinesA320-2112016sLDE 24.03.16 fcs
YL-LCMSmartLynx AirlinesA320-2112016frd RIX-LDE 02.11.16 white, wfu, broken up 2017
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
YL-LCM Travel Service AirlinesEGKKGreggy
YL-LCM SmartLynx AirlinesOTT/OFFAyronautica
YL-LCM SmartLynx AirlinesEGSSFlyDroo
YL-LCM SmartLynx AirlinesOTT/OFFWarthog1
F-GJVF Aigle AzurLTFEWarthog1
F-GJVF Air FranceEHAMGreggy
F-GJVF Air FranceEHAMGreggy
F-GJVF Air FranceEGCCAV8 Photos
F-GJVF Air FranceEIDWWarthog1
F-GJVF Air InterEGLLAyronautica
F-GJVF Air InterLFPOWarthog1
00-00-0000 YL-LCM SmartLynx AirlinesEGCCdixieboy