Airbus A320 [2496]

Registration: ZS-GAC
Operator: Smartwings
HEX Code: 008FEB
Engines: IAE V2527-A5 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWIFAirbus IndustrieA320-2322005
VT-KFCKingfisher AirlinesA320-2322005CCM, arrDUB ret CCM 16.03.12
EI-EWOSALA320-2322012frd-->WOE 18.04.12
EI-EWOLivingston AirlinesA320-2322012arrCAS & pkd 07.10.14, Indigo 2015 ntu, canc 05.06.15
AP-BMCShaheen Air InternationalA320-2322015frd IND--IST 07-08.06.15 fcs, WFU 05.07.2018, std LDE 06.07.2018
OE-IHBLessorA320-2322018AerCap. Std LFBF 18.02.2019
YR-DSIJust Us AirA320-2322019Ffrd to CRA 29.03.2019, lsd to TUIfly 22.04.2019, fis 23.04.19, frd STR--KWI 01.06.19 wlsd to Jazeera AW, ret KWI-BBU 01.11.19. Std MPL 15.07.2020
RP-C7938Pan Pacific AirlinesA320-2322021 delivery 12-14mar21 MPL-MCT-CCU-CRK. Std CRK 14.03.2021. Std MNL 23.10.2021, ret svc 04.12.2021. "BBM Sara Uniteam 2022" sticker 02.2022. WFU 04.05.2022. Std CRK 17.06.2022
OE-IFGLessorA320-2322022AerCap. Std AMM 02.12.2022, std JNB 21.03.2023
ZS-GACGlobal Aviation (South Africa)A320-2322023Lsd from AerCap.Opf LIFT from 29.07.2023
ZS-GACSmartwingsA320-2322024Lsd from Global Aviation
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
ZS-GAC SmartwingsLGIRcolinw
ZS-GAC SmartwingsLEPASteve OBE
YR-DSI Just Us AirOTHHLGW_Harris
EI-EWO Livingston AirlinesEGPFFlyDroo
00-00-0000 AP-BMC Shaheen Air InternationalOERKdixieboy