Airbus A320 [2502]

Registration: 9H-IHH
Operator: Lauda Europe
HEX Code: 4D22C4
Engines: IAE V2527-A5 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWBGAirbus IndustrieA320-2322005
VT-KFDKingfisher AirlinesA320-2322005CCM, first testreg F-WWDI, dam when a Qatar AW A300 caught fire while on maint by GAMCO Abu Dhabi (AUH), United Arab Emirates -(-) 19.04.07, arrDUB wfs 29.02.12
OE-IBHSALLA320-2322012frd-->WOE 23.03.12
EI-EXKLivingston AirlinesA320-2322012own SAL
EI-EXKLivingston AirlinesA320-2322014arrCAS & pkd 07.10.14, Indigo 2015 ntu, canc 17.06.15
AP-BMDShaheen Air InternationalA320-2322015frd IND--KHI 23-26.06.15 fcs, wfs 15.08.18, frd Peshawar--MPL 15-18.08.18
OE-IHHLaudaMotionA320-2322019AerCap Ireland ret OE-rgd 10.18, testfl MPL 26.02.19, MPL-VIE 07.03.19, to MST 30.04.20 for paintwork repairs ret VIE 02.05.20, str STN 27.05-11.06.20, STN 20.10.20 pkd
9H-IHHLauda EuropeA320-2322020Lsd from AerCap. WFU 30.09.2024, std DGX 07.11.2024, for part out and scrap.
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
9H-IHH Lauda EuropeOTT/OFFWarthog1
9H-IHH Lauda EuropeLOWWGreggy
9H-IHH Lauda EuropeEGCCSteve OBE
9H-IHH Lauda EuropeOTT/OFFairman45GB
9H-IHH Lauda EuropeEGSSGreggy
OE-IHH LaudaMotionOTT/OFFgrahamepage
EI-EXK Livingston AirlinesEGPHFlyDroo