Airbus A320 [257]

Registration: VT-EVP
Operator: Air India
HEX Code:
Engines: IAEV2500-A1 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWBI Airbus IndustrieA320-2311991
LZ-ABA Balkan Bulgarian AirlinesA320-2311991America West reall/del Orix 5.12.91,then painted
N257RX WTCTA320-2311995pkd Cambridge s19.09.95,canc 9.95
EI-TLJ Translift AirwaysA320-2311995
EI-TLJ All Leisure AirlinesA320-2311995r29.9 sis LGW white 1.10/s13.10.95 opb All Leisure
EI-TLJ TransMeridian AirlinesA320-2311995
EI-TLJ SunExpressA320-2311996ret LUT 23.4,sis 03.05.96 fc Sunex/sLut 15.10.96 white,SunE tit (overhaul)/ret TLF 29.11.96 Luton
EI-TLJ TransMeridian AirlinesA320-2311996ret 4.97
EI-TLJ THY Turkish AirlinesA320-2311997sIST non-standard col 30.5/TransAer r3.09.97
EI-TLJ TransAerA320-2311997frd to Manch for overh
EI-TLJ TransMeridian AirlinesA320-2311997Luton 16.12-sAtl 16.12.97 fc
EI-TLJ Britannia AirwaysA320-2311998ret TransA 20.04.98,Lut-Belf 1.05.98 del, wfs 1.11.98,Lut 2.11.98,ret 11.98
EI-TLJ CubanaA320-2311998SNN for paint 17.11,ro 20.11 Cubana tail, TrA-Cubana tit, sis Toronto 1.07.00, AL ceased 20.10.00
N257RXOrix Aircraft CorporationA320-2312000
VT-EVPIndian AirlinesA320-2312001sAbu Dhabi 15.11.00, Sky Service due 01 ntu, sAbu Dhabi 27.03.01 fc, WTC canc N-reg 12.04.01
VT-EVPIndian AirlinesA320-2312005own GMT 12, lsd OAS 22.04.09
VT-EVPAir IndiaA320-2312007ret GMT 12 s LDE 30.04.11, VT-reg canc 27.07.11, s cockpit&parts missing 28.12.11
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
LZ-ABA Balkan Bulgarian AirlinesEGLLScottyBoy76
LZ-ABA Balkan Bulgarian AirlinesLIRFWarthog1