Airbus A320 [2844]

Registration: OE-ILL
Operator: Celestial Aviation
HEX Code:
Engines: IAEV2527-A5 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWIHAirbus IndustrieA320-2322006
VT-INAIndiGoA320-2322006own CAT 9, ret CAT 9 07.12
LZ-BHGBH AirA320-2322012
LZ-BHGMyanmar Airways InternationalA320-2322012
LZ-BHGBH AirA320-2322013was lsd to RAK AW unk date but ret BH Air 11.12.13, Vietjet winterlse frd SOF--SGN 13-14.12.15, ret to BH 01.03.16 frd SGN--SOF, frd SOF-DEL 15.03.16 Spicejet slsd, ret BH DEL-SOF 18.05.16, RAM lsd 11.11.17 fis 12.11.17, Jazeera AW lsd SOF-KWI 13.01.18, fis 15.01.18, SaudiGulf lsd 02.03.19, ret DMM-SOF 31.05.19, SaudiGulf fcs lsd 03.06.19
OE-ILLCelestial AviationA320-2322020pkd SOF
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
LZ-BHG BH AirOTT/OFFAyronautica