Airbus A320 [311]

Registration: EP-ZAP
Operator: Zagros Airlines
HEX Code:
Engines: CFM56-5A1 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWILAirbus IndustrieA320-2111992
C-FKPOAir CanadaA320-2111992
YL-LCEXL Airways FranceA320-2112007F-GLXF NTU, lsd LAT Charter
YL-LCELAT CharterA320-2112007sCDG all white-cs td
YL-LCEXL Airways FranceA320-2112007sTLS with XL logo's td
F-HDCEXL Airways FranceA320-2112008sTLS white cs 24.10.08
YL-LCESmartLynx AirlinesA320-2112009sAMS is With "Travel Service"-titles 26.03.09, sLDE SmartLynx Italia-tit 31.05.09
YL-LCEMCA AirlinesA320-2112009csd ops unk loc 11.11.09, ret SmartLynx AL
YL-LCETravel Service AirlinesA320-2112010ret SmartLynx AL 05.11
YL-LCESmall Planet AirlinesA320-2112011sSZG white-cs 03.03.12
YL-LCETravel Service AirlinesA320-2112013
YL-LCESmartLynx AirlinesA320-2112014
UR-CNJZagros AirlinesA320-2112015own Dart, frd THR--MPL 27-28.09.15 but not yet ret to Khors, sis with Zagros MHD 30.11.15, s12.15
EP-ZAPZagros AirlinesA320-2112016
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
YL-LCE Travel Service AirlinesOTT/OFFcolinw
YL-LCE SmartLynx AirlinesLGRPWarthog1
F-HDCE XL Airways FranceLTBSWarthog1
F-HDCE XL Airways FranceLFPGGreggy