Airbus A320 [331]

Registration: 4K-AZ54
Operator: Azerbaijan Airlines
HEX Code:
Engines: CFM56-5A1 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWIIAirbus IndustrieA320-2111992
TC-ONBOnur AirA320-2111992GATX, frd Ist-GB-Greensboro 29.04.96
N490GXGATX Capital CorporationA320-2111996canc 696
VH-HYYAnsett Australia A320-2111996is 01.07.96, ceased ops 14.09.01, ret GATX and stripped of paint Melbourne 11.01, frd-->TLS 27.02.02
9H-ADZAir MaltaA320-2112002PH-DOE req 02.02, sORY only tit 01.08.02, sDUS taillogo 14.03.03, frd-->SNN ret GATX 10.10.04, s white-cs 18.10.04
4K-AZ54Azerbaijan AirlinesA320-2112004reg applied 02.11.04, dep tit&taillogo td, arrSNN (paint?) 15.12.04, sBAK white-cs 19.01.09, frd-->MLA for checks prior ret GATX 11.11.09. remains optnl, str GYD 17.11.14
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
4K-AZ54 Azerbaijan AirlinesEGLLgrahamepage
9H-ADZ Air MaltaEDDFAyronautica
9H-ADZ Air MaltaEGKKgrahamepage
9H-ADZ Air MaltaEGSSAyronautica
TC-ONB Onur AirEHAMWarthog1