Airbus A320 [347]

Registration: N347TM
Operator: Mexicana
HEX Code:
Engines: IAEV2500-A1 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWBSAirbus IndustrieA320-2311992
F-WQAXKawasaki Leasing InternationalA320-2311992s TLS 12.92 del KaL 30.11.92 America West NTU,sTLS 13.10.93 as F-WWBS, TC-SAL United European 7.93 ntu, s16.12.93 still full UnEur col/Kaw F- rr 28.03.95
N347KAKawasaki Leasing InternationalA320-2311995
B-22307TransAsia AirwaysA320-2311995N-rgd Kaw 95, B- del as duch 7.04.95/sTaip 30.05.95, KaL to NSJ Corp 10.98 still TrA, ret 12.98 NSJ, first repo to be B-22306 (see 441)
N347TMTransMeridian AirlinesA320-2311998FSB 8.12.98, due ret 12.03
N347TMAeropostalA320-2311999sMIA white,tit
N347TMTransMeridian AirlinesA320-2311999sAtlanta fc, s17.11.00 id (so not to B-22306 s10.11.00 Macau!), ret WFBN and sold to EAST T-S 12 01.08.01 (loc unk)
N347TMMexicanaA320-2312001sMexico City nmd "San Salvador" 29.09.03, csd ops LAX 28.08.10, frd-->MZJ 07.09.10, own MAA 15.11.12, N-reg canc 29.11.12, s18.11.12
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N347TM MexicanaKLAXcolinw