Airbus A320 [349]

Registration: N313SC
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
Engines: CFM56-5A1 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWBUAirbus IndustrieA320-2111992
G-OEXCExcalibur Airways A320-2111992GPA dd 30.10.92, r6.11
G-DACRAirtours InternationalA320-2111996ro 27.2,to MAN 29.2
OY-CNRPremiairA320-2111997interior swap with 193,canc 27.01.97 to OY-,frd to Orebro 28.01.97, own AA320 28.11.98
OO-AEZAir Belgium (79-00)A320-2111999is 30.4 Airtours f col, sHAM 19.06.99 now small Air Belgium tit, wfs 15.10.00, Manchester 16.10.00
OY-CNRPremiairA320-2112000sManch 26.10.00 OY-rgd
OY-CNRMyTravel AirwaysA320-2112002sisTFS white-cs 09.02.03, ret MyTravel AW (UK) 15.03.03, sTLS white-cs 11.01.04, frd-->CHR 17.03.04, ret AA320 07.04.04
LZ-BHCBH AirA320-2112004sMAN fcs 22.05.04, frd-->DXB GMG-tit 02.03.09
LZ-BHCAir ValleeA320-2112009dam after tailstrike on take off Verona (VRN), Italy 0(?) 01.09.09
LZ-BHCBH AirA320-2112013s fcs td, ret Aa320 12.13, wfs&arrGWO 02.12.13
N313SCLessorA320-2112013sMZJ 09.02.14, N-reg canc wfu 18.04.14
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
LZ-BHC Air ValleeOTT/OFFcolinw
LZ-BHC BH AirOTT/OFFAyronautica
LZ-BHC BH AirEGLLgrahamepage
OY-CNR MyTravel AirwaysEGSSGreggy
G-DACR Airtours InternationalEGKKWarthog1
G-DACR Airtours InternationalEGCCAyronautica
G-OEXC Excalibur Airways EGCCAyronautica
G-OEXC Excalibur Airways EGCCAyronautica
G-OEXC Excalibur Airways LGATAyronautica
G-OEXC Excalibur Airways EGKKWarthog1