Airbus A320 [3891]

Registration: 9H-FHY
Operator: Freebird Airlines Europe
HEX Code: 4D2390
Engines: CFM56-5B4/3 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWDCAirbus IndustrieA320-2142009
CS-TKOSATA InternationalA320-2142009ILFC, dam to landinggear and wing after hard landing Lisbon (LIS), Portugal 0(?) 05.08.09, bis after repairs 12.09
TC-FHYFreebird AirlinesA320-2142015LIS-AYT, frd AYT--SGN 24.04.16 Vietjet slsd, ret SGN-AYT 27.07.16, own DVB Bank 10.16, frd AYT--SGN 30-31.01.18 Vietjet slsd, fis 01.02.18, ret 18, Freebird wfs 15.02.19, frd AYT--SGN 16.02.19 lsd to Bamboo AW, fis 23.02.19, wfs 21.04.19, frd Hanoi--AYT 22.04.19, Bamboo AW lsd 10.11.19, ret AYT 17.03.20
TC-FHYVietJet AirA320-2142016
TC-FHYFreebird AirlinesA320-2142016
TC-FHYVietJet AirA320-2142017
TC-FHYFreebird AirlinesA320-2142017
TC-FHYVietJet AirA320-2142018
TC-FHYFreebird AirlinesA320-2142018
TC-FHYBamboo AirwaysA320-2142019
TC-FHYFreebird AirlinesA320-2142019
TC-FHYBamboo AirwaysA320-2142019
TC-FHYFreebird AirlinesA320-2142020
9H-FHYFreebird Airlines EuropeA320-2142022
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
9H-FHY Freebird Airlines EuropeLGIRcolinw
TC-FHY Bamboo AirwaysVVNBJLRAviation
TC-FHY Freebird AirlinesEGHHWarthog1
TC-FHY Freebird AirlinesEGKKEGLL Spotter
CS-TKO SATA InternationalLPPTFlyDroo
CS-TKO SATA InternationalLEMDJLRAviation
00-00-0000 CS-TKO SATA InternationalLPPTdixieboy