Airbus A320 [406]

Registration: EX-32007
Operator: Avia Traffic Company
HEX Code:
Engines: IAEV2500-A1 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWDBAirbus IndustrieA320-2311993
4R-ABBAir LankaA320-2311993
4R-ABBSriLankan AirlinesA320-2311999BouAS 12.00, lsd back, damaged during fights between Sri Lankan army and Tamil Tiger rebels Colombo AP, Sri Lanka 24.07.01, sis 09.08.02, own ACG 11.05.05
N406PRLessorA320-2312009sHNL white-cs 02.03.09, frd-->VCV white-cs 04.03.09, frd-->GDL for maint with Mexicana 17.11.09
N406PRMexicanaA320-2312010csd ops GDL 28.08.10, frd-->VCV ret WFBN 22.09.10, arrTLC 17.11.10, frd-->SCL 28.12.10
CC-ADPSky AirlineA320-2312010wfs&arr Jacksonville 21.07.14, ret lessor & sVCV 23.10.14
N406PRLessorA320-2312014own ACG-->DATL 29.12.14, own AGC 03.02.15, frd-->MEX 11.02.15
OY-RUPDanish Air TransportA320-2312015frd MEZ--BLL 28-30.04.15 N-rgd AGC, N-reg canc 13.05.15, OY-rgd 21.05.15, frd BLL-ARH 22.05.15, sis AMS 11.07.15 white, red nose
OY-RUPCorporateA320-2312015BLL-Oporto, fis 14.11.15 fcs for Funchal sched. flights, sched flights cancelled 15.05.16 financially disappointing
OY-RUPDanish Air TransportA320-2312016Funchal-Bacau, wlsd to Blue Air 05.09.16, frd BLL--Bishkek 14-15.11.16, OY-reg canc
EX-32007Avia Traffic CompanyA320-2312016frd Bishkek-Ulyanovsk 28.11.16, ret bishkek 03.12.16 fis 06.12.16
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All Users Sightings

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OY-RUP Danish Air TransportEHAMGreggy
OY-RUP Danish Air TransportOTT/OFFgrahamepage
OY-RUP Danish Air TransportOTT/OFFJLRAviation