F-WWBL Airbus Industrie A320-231 1993 VR-HYV Dragonair A320-231 1994 ILFC, GPA/Canadian lsd ntu, wfs TLS late 3.93 B-HYV Dragonair A320-231 1997 ret ILFC 23.04.99 EI-TLT Andalusair A320-231 1999 frd as such to Dub white, Faro 2.05.99 in addit Andalusair tit, sPalma 28.5 Andal tit, s19.06.99 no tit EI-TLT Air Alfa A320-231 1999 sLut hangar,tit applied, sis 17.7 white/tit EI-TLT TransAer A320-231 1999 sTLS EI-TLT Libyan Arab Airlines A320-231 1999 fc, TransAer ceas 20.10.00, r27.10.00 Greenfly, s pkd Tripoli 1.11.00, frd to SNN 3.04.01, frd-->Bangor for storage 07.04.01 N415MX Lessor A320-231 2001 testflight at Mojave 02.07.01, rgd 08.06.01 N415MX Mexicana A320-231 2001 del all white cs, sMexico City nmd "Tijuana" 02.09.02, frd-->LCQ ret WFBN 14.07.09 ZA-RED Star Airways A320-231 2010 AOC suspended & str TIA 12.07.10, frd-->MPL 28.08.10, frd-->MIA 22.01.11 N301LF Lessor A320-231 2011 SX-SMV Viking Hellas Airlines A320-231 2011 wfs&frd-->DUB 09.11.11 EI-ETM TAI A320-231 2012 LY-COS Cosmo Airlines A320-231 2012 Avion Express lsd LY-COS WOW Air A320-231 2012 arrDUB str 21.11.12 EI-ETM TAI A320-231 2013 frd-->PGN 11.05.13 LY-SPC Small Planet Airlines A320-231 2013 Israir slsd 02.05-03.06.15, pkd KUN 07.10.15 LY-SPC Grand Cru Airlines A320-231 2016 first 320 for Lithuanian charter AL repo 04.16, testfl 08.07.16 KUN, might be ntu, see below LY-SPC Small Planet Airlines A320-231 2016 sis AYT white, frd VNO-LCA 18.09.16 wlsd by Grand Cru? to Cobalt AL, frd BEG-Thessaloniki 14.04.17 Ellinair lse, ret to Small Planet by 12.17, due for Get Jet LY-SPC GetJet Airlines A320-231 2018 own AerCap, wfs 17.11.18 VNO opf Getjet, Small Planet ceased 29.11.18, sis DUS 05.06.19 Getjet fcs LY-SPC Withdrawn from use A320-231 2019 frd KUN-EGBP 22.12.19 for part-out