Airbus A320 [420]

Registration: N271AT
Operator: ATI
HEX Code:
Engines: CFM56-5A1 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWIEAirbus IndustrieA320-2111993
N486GXLACSAA320-2111993wfs s28.01.94 San Jose white for ret less
PH-GCXCL Air A320-2111994
F-GJVXAir Inter A320-2111994frd TLS-Orly 26.03.94,white 3.03.97, 2.05.97/s27.06.97 white, BCM-tit,still opf IT.
F-GJVXBCM Airlines A320-2111997own FVG, opf BCM,BCM tit/white/ret 10.10.97,sOrly white 22.10.97/11.11/sTLS 2.03.98 white
F-GJVXVolare AirlinesA320-2111998sis white Lourdes,sfc 16.05.98
F-GJVXVolarewebA320-2112004sMXP fcs td, csd ops unk loc 19.11.04, ret FVG 22.11.04, arrBOD 26.11.04, frd-->MIR 11.03.05, own GATX/CL 21.04.05
OO-TCMThomas Cook AirlinesA320-2112005sBRU fcs td, sACE "Belgium 175"-tit and special tail-cs 31.08.05, own AerCap 12.06, ret AerCap 03.08
LV-BNZAerolineas ArgentinasA320-2112008not LV-BOJ, frdMAD-->SID td, ret AerCap12.08,
N420BVLessorA320-2112008arr GYR bcs 14.12.08, lsd to ACL 21.01.09, frd-->TLS 31.05.09, own ATI 19.08.09
F-GSTSStrategic AirlinesA320-2112009frd-->BRU for poss str 15.09.10, frd-->TLS 11.02.11
LX-STCStrategic Airlines LuxembourgA320-2112011wfuMAN ret ATI 03.10.12, arrGYR 17.10.12
N271ATATIA320-2112012N-reg canc 15.03.13
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
LX-STC Strategic Airlines LuxembourgOTT/OFFcolinw
LX-STC Strategic Airlines LuxembourgEGPKFlyDroo
F-GJVX Air Inter EGLLAyronautica