Airbus A320 [461]

Registration: N941LF
Operator: Aviation Capital Group
HEX Code:
Engines: IAEV2527-A5 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWDPAirbus IndustrieA320-2321993
N941LFLACSAA320-2321994Norbrit NTU 211/sTLS 8.03.94 white,lsd s1.07.94,rFSBU 6.94,AmWest slsd 1.02.96 (repo in JAPL98) probably ret soon, not repo else, in JP98 with TACA/LACSA, FSB to ACG 27.08.99 lsd to TACA, lsd to LACSA (s5.12.99 Grupo TACA nc, LACSA tit), ret ACG 11.03
N941LFAirTran AirwaysA320-2322003lsd to Ryan Int'l AL, sLAX fcs td, ret ACGA XX 01.05
TC-OGLAtlasJet InternationalA320-2322005fcs
TC-OGLSaudi Arabian AirlinesA320-2322007frdIST-->JED td
TC-OGLAtlasJet InternationalA320-2322008sDUS SAL-bcs td
N941LFAviation Capital GroupA320-2322009sVCV td, s03.08.09
PK-YUEMetro BataviaA320-2322010csd ops KCH 31.01.13
N941LFAviation Capital GroupA320-2322013arrVCV 01.03.13, canc 21.05.15 wfu (not to LY-VES, see cn 466)
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N941LF Aviation Capital GroupKVCVFlyDroo
TC-OGL AtlasJet InternationalLTBJWarthog1