Airbus A320 [4655]

Registration: VT-IWZ
Operator: IndiGo
HEX Code: 8016B5
Engines: CFM56-5B4/P x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWDSAirbus IndustrieA320-2142011
N841VAVirgin America AirlinesA320-2142011ACG, own BoU, WFBN r25.08.16
N841VAAlaska AirlinesA320-2142018lsd from Apollo Aviation until 12.2018, Carlyle Aviation Partners from 12.2018. WFU 08.01.2023. Std GSO 09.01.2023, std LCQ 27.01.2023
N841VALessorA320-2142023Carlyle Aviation Partners Ltd. Std TUS 21.07.2023. 9M-DAM (MYAirline) ntu 09.2023. Noted in full MyAirline c/s at TUS 12.2023. Std HYD 05.02.2024
2-ZAMKLessorA320-2142024Carlyle Aviation Partners. Std HYD. Reported due for Indigo.
VT-IWZIndiGoA320-2142024Lsd from Carlyle Aviation Partners. Ent svc 29.06.2024
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N841VA Virgin America AirlinesKSFOcolinw
N841VA Virgin America AirlinesOTT/OFFEGLL Spotter
N841VA Virgin America AirlinesKDALWarthog1
N841VA Virgin America AirlinesKLAXJLRAviation
N841VA Virgin America AirlinesMMPRGreggy
N841VA Virgin America AirlinesKSFOcolinw