Airbus A320 [525]

Registration: EP-AJJ
Operator: Meraj Airlines
HEX Code: 73054A
Engines: CFM56-5A3 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-Airbus IndustrieA320-2111995
F-GJVVAir InterA320-2111995ILFC, old col s3.05.97/last AC oc, roi 23.09.97 white, no tit,opb Air Inter Europe
C-GTDBSkyService AirlinesA320-2111997F-canc 22.10/sOrly fc
C-GTDBAirtours InternationalA320-2111999SkyS col,Airt tit,s29.05.99 Palma/due ret 10.99
C-GTDBSkyService AirlinesA320-2121999
C-GTDBAirtours InternationalA320-2122000
C-GTDBSkyService AirlinesA320-2122000
C-GTDBAirtours InternationalA320-2122001
C-GTDBSkyService AirlinesA320-2122001frd-->Toronto YYZ td
C-GTDBMyTravel AirwaysA320-2122002till 31.10.02, ret ILFC by Skyservice 03.10.03
PH-VADV Bird AirlinesA320-2122003sNRN "operated by Dutchbird"-sticker 31.01.04, rgd to V Bird AL 26.03.04, repo ILFC frd-->YWG 08.10.04
N601LFLessorA320-2122004frdYQX-->CHR V Bird-cs 11.02.05
D-AKNXGermanwingsA320-2122005arrCGN fcs td, rgd 18.03.05, wfs&frd-->IST for pre ret maint 24.12.07, s Rossiya-fcs 21.04.08, ret ILFC 21.04.08
EI-DXYRossiya AirlinesA320-2122008own ILFC Ireland, ret ILFC Ireland and canc to India 20.01.15
UR-CNUDart AirlinesA320-2122015frd TLL-Kharkov 31.03.15
YK-BAACham Wings AirlinesA320-2122015frd MPL--DAM 24-26.04.15, fis DAM-KWI 26.04.15, UR-reg canc 27.10.15, rr fis 05.11.15 DAM-Diyarbakir
EP-AJJMeraj AirlinesA320-2122021
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EI-DXY Rossiya AirlinesEDDFWarthog1
EI-DXY Rossiya AirlinesLEBLGreggy
C-GTDB Airtours InternationalEGPKAyronautica
C-GTDB Airtours InternationalLEPAgrahamepage
F-GJVV Air InterEIDWWarthog1