Airbus A320 [548]

Registration: D-ABWH
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
Engines: CFM56-5B4/P x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWIJAirbus IndustrieA320-2141995
HB-IJCSwissair A320-2141995Edelweiss Bail r20.12.00,
HB-IJCLessorA320-2142002Pembroke-Edelweiss Bail
HB-IJCSwiss International Air LinesA320-2142002Lsd from Pembroke
HB-IJCLessorA320-2142002Pembroke-Edelweiss Bail
B-2214China Northwest AirlinesA320-2142002Lsd from Pembroke
B-653LChina Northwest AirlinesA320-2142003Lsd from Pembroke
F-WQSZLessorA320-2142004Pembroke. For servicing.
F-GYFLCCM AirlinesA320-2142004Lsd from Pembroke until 05.2006, Babcock and Brown from 05.2006. Lsd from BBAM 02.2010.
F-GYFLLessorA320-2142010BBAM. Std AJA 28.04.2010, std AVR 11.06.2010
CS-TQOWhite AirwaysA320-2142010Lsd from BBAM
PR-WTBWhitejets Transportes AereosA320-2142010WFBN
PR-WTBTACV - Transportes Aereos de Cabo VerdeA320-2142011Sublsd from Whitejets
PR-WTBWhitejets Transportes AereosA320-2142013Sublease to Pop Linhas Aereas ntu 04.2013.
PR-WTBWhite AirwaysA320-2142013Std AVR 26.09.2013. Lse to Windavia ntu 12.2013
CS-TROWhite AirwaysA320-2142014
CS-TROTAP Air PortugalA320-2142014Lsd from White Airways
CS-TROWhite AirwaysA320-2142014
CS-TROVueling AirlinesA320-2142015Lsd from White Airways
CS-TROWhite AirwaysA320-2142015
CS-TROTACV - Transportes Aereos de Cabo VerdeA320-2142015Lsd from White Airways
CS-TROAzores AirlinesA320-2142015Lsd from White Airways
CS-TROWhite AirwaysA320-2142015
CS-TROWhite AirwaysA320-2142020WFU 07.02.2020.
D-ABWHLessorA320-2142020Probably BBAM. Std HHN 14.02.2020
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
CS-TRO White AirwaysEGCCSteve OBE
CS-TRO White AirwaysEGPFFlyDroo
CS-TQO White AirwaysLMMLgrahamepage
F-GYFL CCM AirlinesLFPOGreggy
HB-IJC Swissair EGLLAyronautica
HB-IJC Swissair EGLLWarthog1