Airbus A320 [561]

Registration: LY-VEP
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code: 503DAA
Engines: IAE V2527E-A5 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWDMAirbus IndustrieA320-2331995
N991LRLACSAA320-2331995rFSBU 12.95, own WFBN 21.04.01, ret WFBN 10.05, arr SEN Aigle Azur-fcs 02.11.05
F-HBADAigle AzurA320-2332005frd-->Ory td, sORY Belle Air-fcs 29.03.09, ret WFBN 06.09
F-ORAEBelle AirA320-2332009ZA-ARC req, csd ops APF 26.11.13, frd-->LDE 04.12.13
LY-VEPAvion ExpressA320-2332014
LY-VEPThomas Cook AirlinesA320-2332014
LY-VEPAvion ExpressA320-2332014
HI968Dominican WingsA320-2332015frd BUD--SDQ 01-03.05.15, Dominican Wings to Sunrise AW 11.15, started own sched svcs SDQ-POS 05.02.16, on wetlse to Aruba AL since 03.16, frd SDQ--KEF 31.05.16, for?
HI968Avion ExpressA320-2332016
HI968CubanaA320-2332016presum this aircraft wlsd to Sunrise AL (Haiti) by 08.11.16
LY-VEPAvion ExpressA320-2332017own Seraph Avtn, depa BUD for Thomas Cook wlse (white, titles, logos) 07.07.17, for sale by Fortress Investment Group, repo 09.17 . WFU and std GYR 02.10.2017
LY-VEPLessorA320-2332017Seraph Aviation Management Ltd. B/u 02.2018 at GYR
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
LY-VEP Thomas Cook AirlinesOTT/OFFWarthog1
F-HBAD Aigle AzurLTFEWarthog1
F-HBAD Aigle AzurLFPGGreggy