Airbus A320 [566]

Registration: YL-LCS
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code: 502CCA
Engines: CFM56-5B4/P x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Withdrawn
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWINAirbus IndustrieA320-2141995
HB-IJGSwissair A320-2141996s str ZRH Swissair-cs 06.04.02, frd-->XLW 21.10.02, sZRH 24.04.04, frd-->DUB 30.07.04
TC-JLCTHY Turkish AirlinesA320-2142004frd-->IST td, sNUE Turkish-retro-cs 08.12.05, sHAM ret lessor 05.12.06
XA-MXFMexicanaA320-2142006white-cs, csd ops MEX 28.08.10
N566BBLessorA320-2142010arr SEN 01.04.11
EI-ERVJet-1 LeasingA320-2142011s Yes AW-fcs 25.05.11
SP-IABYes AirwaysA320-2142011
SP-IABOLT ExpressA320-2142012sWAW fcs td, csd ops WAW&frd-->DUB ret Jet-I 566 31.07.12
EI-ERVJet-1 LeasingA320-2142012frd-->SOF 19.11.12
ES-SALSmartLynx Airlines EstoniaA320-2142013frd TLL-SAW 12.03.15 slsd to Corendon AL, wfs 02.11.15 ret SmartLynx Estonia, sCPH 11.11.15 still Corendon cs
YL-LCSSmartLynx AirlinesA320-2142016WOE-TRN, fis 26.03.16, slsd to Jetarifly sRTM 13.04.16, wfs and ret SmartLynx 29.10.16 frd to CDG, wlse to Transavia France 29-31.10.16, frd to WOE 01.11.16 pkd, frd to Nantes 22.12.16, sis 28.01.17 white opf Norwegian Air Shuttle, TLL-TXL 06.01.18 lsd to easyJet Europe, fis 07.01.18, wfs 26.04.18, ret to RIX, slsd to Thomas Cook, frd RIX-Cardiff 30.04.18, wfs 30.10.18, frd to TLL 31.10.18 ret SmartLynx, Thomas Cook AL lsd fis 01.05.19, Condor lsd 01.10.19, DUS-RIX 19.10.19 ret SmartLynx, Norweg
YL-LCSLessorA320-2142021Jet-I 566 Leasing Ltd. Retired and Std DGX 23.11.2021. B/u 04.2022 at DGX
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
YL-LCS SmartLynx AirlinesEGSSGreggy
YL-LCS SmartLynx AirlinesOTT/OFFWarthog1
YL-LCS SmartLynx AirlinesOTT/OFFcolinw
XA-MXF MexicanaKORDcolinw
HB-IJG Swissair EGCCAV8 Photos
HB-IJG Swissair EGCCAV8 Photos
HB-IJG Swissair EGCCAV8 Photos
HB-IJG Swissair LSZHWarthog1