Airbus A320 [573]

Registration: P4-AAC
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code: 484343
Engines: IAE V2527-A5 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWDJAirbus IndustrieA320-2321996
CS-MADAir Macau A320-2321996-211 reall/ret ILFC,via Debis../ret FRA 12.12.98,HAM 8.01.99 full Mac col, ro FRA 15.01.99 as CS, corp col
N573DCCorporateA320-2321999slsd to Transmer to opfor Daimler, 56 seats, frd to Atl 12.02.99, is 22.2,reg D-ADCA res 2.12.98 NTU,s5.04.99 Stutt,small opb Transmer sticker
N573DCCorporateA320-2322000sWichita, Ryan flnr, white fus, blue tail no tit, retd ex Daimler, now opf P&G, sBRU 9.04.00, sGoodyear AZ 28.11.00 white, blue tail, no tit, canc to Macau 11.12.00
B-MADAir MacauA320-2322000frd Cincinn-Lisbon mid 12.00, ro 11.01.01 Macau fc, frd Lisbon--Macau 13.01.01, ret ILFC 01.04.03
B-6025Sichuan AirlinesA320-2322003sPEK fcs 05.04.03
B-6025Hebei AirlinesA320-2322010
B-6025Sichuan AirlinesA320-2322011wfsSZX 29.09.12
N181LFLessorA320-2322013arrGYR 27.02.13, own WTC 13.03.13
P4-AACAruba AirlinesA320-2322013WFU 28.02.17, Std MEX
P4-AACLessorA320-2322017AerCap. WFU, retired and std GYR 11.03.2017. B/u 10.2017 at GYR.
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
P4-AAC Aruba AirlinesKMIAJLRAviation