Airbus A320 [64]

Registration: ZS-GAL
Operator: Global Aviation
HEX Code: 008FF4
Engines: IAE V2500-A1 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWIK Airbus IndustrieA320-2311989
N905BN Braniff AirwaysA320-2311989PanAm ntu, own GPA, ret GPA12.89, str MAR 12.89, str LVG, GAZ
N625AW America West AirlinesA320-2311990rr 2.91, wfu & frd-->GYR for str 02.11.01, bis 11.02.02
N625AW US AirwaysA320-2312007
N625AW American AirlinesA320-2312013mgd, wfs&arrTUS 06.01.15, own WTC, Global AW Ltd 06.04.15, ASG 06.04.15, frd TUS-FLL 25.04.15, canc 22.06.15
ZS-GALGlobal AviationA320-2312015sJNB 29.10.15 now red Fly Baghdad cs, frd JNB--BGW 19.11.15, Mango lsd s10.08.18 JNB, wfs 23.01.19, ret to Global, fis 29.01.19, wfs 10.04.19, Corendon AL lsd, frd JNB--AYT 10-11.04.19, fis 12.04.19, ret AYT--JNB 03-04.11.19. Op for Lift by Global Av 10.12.2020
ZS-GALFly BaghdadA320-2312015Lsd from Global Aviation
ZS-GALGlobal Aviation (South Africa)A320-2312016Std JNB
ZS-GALDaallo AirlinesA320-2312016Lsd from Global Aviation
ZS-GALGlobal Aviation (South Africa)A320-2312018
ZS-GALGlobal Aviation (South Africa)A320-2312019
ZS-GALCorendon AirlinesA320-2312019
ZS-GALGlobal AviationA320-2312019Std JNB 22.11.2019, ret svc 23.07.2020. opf LIFT from 10.12.2020
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N625AW US AirwaysKORDcolinw
N625AW US AirwaysKLAXGreggy
N625AW US AirwaysKPHXWarthog1
N625AW US AirwaysKLASGreggy
N625AW America West AirlinesKFLLGreggy
N625AW America West AirlinesKORDWarthog1