Airbus A320 [716]

Registration: N228NV
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code: A1FFF9
Engines: CFMI CFM56-5B4/P x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Withdrawn
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWIZAirbus IndustrieA320-2141997
G-BXKBRyan International AirlinesA320-2141997pkd XFW 28.08.97,frd to TLS 7.11.97 incompl colours/10.12 Manch, 11`.12 to USA
N716AWAirworldA320-2141998frd Chic--Manch 26-27.04.98, G canc to N 27.4 FSB, basic Airworld/Apple Vac tit,is 01.5 full Airworld, small Ryan tit
N716AWFlying Colours AirlinesA320-2141998s1.11 basic AW col,FlC tit, s6.12.98 Apple Vac col, opf FlC 9.12.98
N716AWRyan International AirlinesA320-2141998
G-BXKBFlying Colours AirlinesA320-2141999frd 29-30.4,FSB canc 30.4,r1.5 FlC, s9.05.99 fc,is
G-BXKBRyan International AirlinesA320-2141999winter
G-BXKBJMC AirlinesA320-2142000fc 11.11.99, arr Manch 2.05.00 in Apple Vacations col
G-BXKBRyan International AirlinesA320-2142000
G-BXKBJMC AirlinesA320-2142001
G-BXKBThomas Cook AirlinesA320-2142003r/o SEN fcs 11.02.03, arrMAN 08.11.05, s str no engines doors/windows taped up 24.11.05, testflight after winterstorage 24.02.06
G-OMYAMyTravel AirwaysA320-2142007
G-OMYAThomas Cook AirlinesA320-2142007sSEN fcs 06.12.07, wfs MAN 20.02.12
D-AHHDHamburg AirwaysA320-2142012csd ops DUS 20.12.14, frd-->SNN 30.12.14
N228NVAllegiant AirA320-2142015testfl 27.03.15 SNN D-rgd, Sunrise AM 16.04.15, frd SNN--TPA 21.04.15
N228NVLessorA320-2142020Sunrise Asset Management LLC. Retired and std SFB 04.05.2020, partially scrapped by 10.2024.
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N228NV Allegiant AirKPHXgrahamepage
D-AHHD Hamburg AirwaysHESHgrahamepage
D-AHHD Hamburg AirwaysOTT/OFFWarthog1
G-OMYA Thomas Cook AirlinesOTT/OFFcolinw
G-OMYA MyTravel AirwaysEGKKJLRAviation
G-BXKB Thomas Cook AirlinesEGSSGreggy
G-BXKB Thomas Cook AirlinesEGSSGreggy
G-BXKB Thomas Cook AirlinesEGSSAyronautica
G-BXKB Thomas Cook AirlinesEGSSGreggy
G-BXKB Flying Colours AirlinesEGCCAV8 Photos
N716AW AirworldEGCCAV8 Photos