Airbus A320 [726]

Registration: EK32002
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code: 60000A
Engines: CFMI CFM56-5A1 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWBPAirbus IndustrieA320-2111997
VH-HYNAnsett AustraliaA320-2111997del postponed 1.98..r27.10.97, ceased ops 14.09.01, bis by 10.01, ceased ops and frd-->MEL 04.03.02, dep to XNA 11.04.02
P4-VNFArmAviaA320-2112002rrSXF 08.10.02
EK32007ArmAviaA320-2112003sAMS td
EK32007Georgian National AirlinesA320-2112005sSXF with tit td
EK32007ArmAviaA320-2112005sCDG white-cs no tit opf Armavia td, ret ILFC 10.05
YL-BCBLAT CharterA320-2112005
YL-BCBHellas JetA320-2112006sBRU large "Hellas Jet"-tit small "operated by Latcharter"-tit td
YL-BCBLAT CharterA320-2112007sMUC with tit td
YL-BCBSmartLynx AirlinesA320-2112008sRSC white-cs 16.11.10, ret ILFC 16.05.11
CS-TQSWhite AirwaysA320-2112011Stellar AW lsd ann 28.10.11 NTU, frdFIH-->LIS 12.11.11
EI-FAILessorA320-2112013sAMM td, arrGYR 19.03.13
N281LFLessorA320-2112013own Eastok Avtn 27.06.13
UR-YAD4You AirlinesA320-2112014Eurolot lsd
UR-YADSudan AirwaysA320-2112014Yan Air ret
UR-YADEritrean AirlinesA320-2112015sDXB Yanair cs, small Eritrean titles, ret Yanair, frd Asmara-Sofia 08.03.15
UR-YADYanAirA320-2112015fis 15.05.15 Sofia-DUS
EK32002Atlantis European AirwaysA320-2112017
EK32002FlyOneA320-2112017Sublsd from Atlantis European Airways
EK32002Atlantis European AirwaysA320-2112017
EK32002EllinairA320-2112017Sublsd from Atlantis European Airways
EK32002Atlantis European AirwaysA320-2112018
EK32002Air MoldovaA320-2112018
EK32002Atlantis European AirwaysA320-2112019Std KIV 15.09.2019, ret svc 05.10.2010.
EK32002LessorA320-2112020Eastok Aviation FZE. Std EVN 09.11.2020.
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EK32002 Atlantis European AirwaysLGRPgrahamepage
EI-FAI LessorEGPKAyronautica
CS-TQS White AirwaysEGCCRJflyerPhoto Taken
EK32007 ArmAviaEHAMGreggy