Airbus A320 [76]

Registration: ZS-GAS
Operator: LIFT
HEX Code: 008FFB
Engines: IAEV2500-A1 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWIS Airbus IndustrieA320-2311989
N910GP GPA GroupA320-2311989PanAm,Braniff N909BN NTU, str LVG..Airbus records show as N909GP but never carried by AC
N629AW America West AirlinesA320-2311990rr 18.05.91
N629AW US AirwaysA320-2312006sPHX fcs td, wfu&arr VCV 03.01.14, ret WTC-->own Global AW-->ASG 04.06.14
ZS-GASGlobal AviationA320-2312014own GAI td
6V-AJASenegal AirlinesA320-2312015ZS-reg canc 16.03.15 to 6V-
ZS-GASGlobal AviationA320-2312015Fly Baghdad s01.10.15 titles JNB; frd JNB--Erbil 08.10.15
ZS-GASInt'Air IlesA320-2312016frd JNB-Moroni, fcs, repo 04.01.17 talks to finish lease early
ZS-GASGlobal AviationA320-2312017frd JNB-NBO 18.08.17 lsd to Jubba AW, ret to Global and frd JNB--CAI 17-20.12.18, CAI--JNB 25-26.01.19, ris 30.01.19, Corendon AL lsd 04.07.19, ret 01.11.19
ZS-GASJubba AirwaysA320-2312017
ZS-GASGlobal AviationA320-2312018
ZS-GASCorendon AirlinesA320-2312019Lsd
ZS-GASGlobal AviationA320-2312019
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
ZS-GAS Global AviationOTT/OFFairman45GB
ZS-GAS Global AviationOTT/OFFgrahamepage
N629AW US AirwaysKSANWarthog1
N629AW US AirwaysKORDcolinw
N629AW US AirwaysKLASGreggy
N629AW America West AirlinesKLASGreggy