Airbus A320 [902]

Registration: LY-VEI
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
Engines: IAEV2527E-A5 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Withdrawn
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWDNAirbus IndustrieA320-2331998
N457TATACA A320-2331998Mexicana reall, FSB 24.11.98, depa 26.11, PegA VI 7.12.00, D-ANNI req 03.04, ret PegA VI 29.07.04
B-6049Sichuan AirlinesA320-2332004wfs 30.04.15 (tracked) still on register 12.10.15, canc by 01.16
LY-VEIAvion ExpressA320-2332016sChengdu 06.02.16 rrgd, white, frd Naples-Oslo 25.03.16, sis 26.03.16, frd ARN-MAN 25.04.16 slsd to Thomas Cook for the summer, wfs 31.10.16, frd to ERF 01.11.16, frd ERF--REP 10-11.11.16 winter-lse to Sky Angkor AL
XU-714Sky Angkor AirlinesA320-2332016fis 16.12.16
LY-VEIAvion ExpressA320-2332017frd REP--Naples 20-21.03.17, frd to Chateaurous 15.04.17, lsd to Condor for summer, frd to CGN 25.04.17, fis 29.04.17 white, titles/logos, ret to Avion Express 06.11.17 frd CGN-KEF-YYZ, frd MEX--SCL 01-02.12.17 lsd to Sky Al, wfs 06.03.18, frd SCL--CHR 15-16.03.18, SunExpress lsd, fis 08.06.18, wfs 05.11.18, ret to Avion AYT-MAD 08.11.18, Chateauroux 16.11.18, frd to Stuttgart (Germany) 02.12.18 lsd to Condor, ret 16.05.19, SunExpress lsd 05.06.19, frd AYT-AMM 05.11.19 ret Avion, to CHR 16.12.19
LY-VEILessorA320-2332020Fortress Transportation & Infrastructure - FTAI. Retired and std GBA 04.05.2020. B/u 08.2022 at GBA
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
LY-VEI Avion ExpressEGBPcolinw
LY-VEI Avion ExpressEGBPcolinw
LY-VEI Avion ExpressEGBPEGLL Spotter
LY-VEI Avion ExpressEGCCcolinw
00-00-0000 LY-VEI Avion ExpressEGBBdixieboy