Airbus A321 [1227]

Registration: HL7761
Operator: USAR - United States Army
HEX Code: 71BF61
Engines: IAE V2533-A5 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AVZTAirbus IndustrieA321-1312000
JA107AANA - All Nippon AirwaysA321-1312000modified to -231 2002, sold to TAH & lsd 30.09.02, wfs HND 28.02.07, frd-->XSP ret TAH 06.03.07
N127AGLessorA321-2312007sold by AILM 1227
HL7761Asiana AirlinesA321-2312007
HL7761Air BusanA321-2312012WFU and std ICN 31.12.2019.
HL7761LessorA321-2312019WFU and std ICN 31.12.2019. Retired, std APG for the US Army 30.07.2020
HL7761USAR - United States ArmyA321-2312020Std at Aberdeen Proving Grounds (APG), sources say for testing or for destruction by the US Army.
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