Airbus A321 [1250]

Registration: 9H-ZTC
Operator: Titan Airways Malta
HEX Code: 4D239D
Engines: CFMI CFM56-5B3/P x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AVZFAirbus IndustrieA321-2112000
G-NIKOAirtours InternationalA321-2112000
G-NIKOMyTravel AirwaysA321-2112002sSZG Airtours bcs and new webadres on rear fus and engines 16.03.02
G-NIKOThomas Cook AirlinesA321-2112007BBAM, sSZG fcs 09.02.08, wfs 23.09.19 LGW AL ceased, frd to QLA 03.10.19, ret BBAM 08.10.19
G-NIKOSAP Meridian AviationA321-2112019frd QLA-WOE 09.12.19 for maint, WOE--XSP 18-20.03.20 for P2F conversion
G-NIKOTitan AirwaysA321-211(P2F)2021
9H-ZTCTitan Airways MaltaA321-211(P2F)2023Lsd from BBAM
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
G-NIKO Titan AirwaysEGCCSteve OBE
G-NIKO Titan AirwaysEGLLAV8 Photos
G-NIKO Titan AirwaysOTT/OFFRJflyer
G-NIKO SAP Meridian AviationEGLLGreggy
G-NIKO Titan AirwaysOTT/OFFRJflyer
G-NIKO SAP Meridian AviationEGLLGreggy
G-NIKO Titan AirwaysOTT/OFFRJflyer
G-NIKO SAP Meridian AviationEGLLWarthog1
G-NIKO SAP Meridian AviationOTT/OFFstewartgholman
G-NIKO SAP Meridian AviationOTT/OFFstewartgholman
G-NIKO SAP Meridian AviationOTT/OFFstewartgholman
G-NIKO SAP Meridian AviationEGLLGreggy
G-NIKO Titan AirwaysOTT/OFFRJflyer
G-NIKO SAP Meridian AviationOTT/OFFAirbusGary
G-NIKO Titan AirwaysOTT/OFFRJflyer
G-NIKO Thomas Cook AirlinesEGKKGreggy
G-NIKO Thomas Cook AirlinesEGKKcolinw
G-NIKO Thomas Cook AirlinesEGKKEGLL Spotter
G-NIKO Thomas Cook AirlinesGCTSWarthog1
G-NIKO Thomas Cook AirlinesEGSSJLRAviation
G-NIKO Thomas Cook AirlinesLTBSAyronautica
G-NIKO Thomas Cook AirlinesOTT/OFFcolinw
G-NIKO MyTravel AirwaysEGCCAyronautica
G-NIKO MyTravel AirwaysLEALgrahamepage
00-00-0000 G-NIKO Thomas Cook AirlinesEGBBdixieboy