Airbus A321 [1438]

Registration: N1438
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
Engines: IAEV2533-A5 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AVZLAirbus IndustrieA321-2312001
D-ALAQAero LloydA321-2312001
D-ALAQRyan International AirlinesA321-2312002Trans Global Vacation'-tit
D-ALAQAero LloydA321-2312003arrMUN td, ceased ops DUS 16.10.03, frd-->FRA 31.10.03, s inside hangar "Trans Global Vacations"-tit 26.11.03
D-ALAQRyan International AirlinesA321-2312003frd-->FRA ret lessor 02.05.04, frd-->MST for paint 17.05.04
D-ALAQNikiA321-2312004sVIE white-cs Niki tit&taillogo td, wfs&frd-->SNN 11.10.04
N585NKSpirit AirlinesA321-2312004own WTC, wfs&frd-->VCV 25.02.08, frd-->DUB 24.07.08, sJetstar-fcs but lease as VH-VWX NTU 07.08.08
TC-ETFAtlasJet InternationalA321-2312008sSZG Saudia-bcs 20.09.08
TC-ETFSaudi Arabian AirlinesA321-2312009fcs
TC-ETFAtlasJet InternationalA321-2312010
TC-ETFAtlasGlobal AirlinesA321-2312015wfs 26.11.19, frd IST-MPL 27.11.19
EI-GSPLessorA321-2312020Merx Avtn r03.03.20 pkd MPL
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TC-ETF AtlasGlobal AirlinesEGSSGreggy
TC-ETF AtlasGlobal AirlinesEGSSGreggy
TC-ETF AtlasGlobal AirlinesOTT/OFFcolinw
TC-ETF AtlasJet InternationalLTBAWarthog1
TC-ETF AtlasJet InternationalEGSSGreggy
TC-ETF AtlasJet InternationalEGLLgrahamepage
TC-ETF AtlasJet InternationalLTFEWarthog1
D-ALAQ Aero LloydLGRPGreggy